The Family Circle Jan 2017 has a wonderful article called, "What's Your Plan? By Leslie Josel. I think this is a parent lesson most of us are missing. Do you ever feel like you are telling your kids what to do over and over? Do you feel like a broken record? Do you have unlimited patience? Do you find yourself just doing what you told them to do because they are not doing it? This article has some great suggestions.
1. Talking less
2. Directing less
3. Questioning more
The author uses "What's your plan?"... SO what is your plan after school? What is your plan for swimming team? What is your plan to study for the test or write the paper?
I had used this after rehashing perfecting clean clothes that were thrown in the hamper versus one of my children actually putting it away in their drawer. I cancelled my job and the mom who washes all clothes. I just washed mine and let the children wash theirs. I taught them how to use the washing machine and dryer. Then I could set back and say, "What is your plan for having a clean uniform before your game Saturday?" I only remember one son going to a game in a dirty uniform. When they went to a game without their water they suddenly remembered to fill up their own water bottle.
The author has more questions for consideration for preteens and teens, such as:
1. "How do you see yourself...?"
2. "What do you need to ...?"
3. "How should you...?
Here is her quiz.
Instead of saying. Ask
GO get your dance shoes, leotard and towel. What goes in your bag?
Don't forget your backpack,phone, key, money. What do you need for school?
Make your bed and put your clothes in the hamper. How should your room be left in the morning?
As a teacher I hope to remember to use this tool.
Instead of saying. I will ask
Here is your pencil and paper. What do you need to did this task?
Get your math book and ruler. What tools do you need for our math lesson
Write your introduction today. What do you want your plan to be for this project?
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