Friday, July 24, 2015

Why Does Music Aid Memorization?

This is from an article from the Wall Street Journal written by Heidi Mitchel 12/31/2013

Does your child have trouble remembering things?  Last week I was at a 'rap' concert.  I could not believe all the words these three guys were saying.  It was amazing.

The brain scientists agree that 'information set to music is among the easiest to remember.'

So before spending lots of time trying to invent a song for everything your child needs to remember check out You Tube and do a search.  You can also check teacher tube.  They have raps already produced to remember many math formulas.  But now to the 'facts'.

"The hippocampus and the frontal cortex are two areas in the brain associated with memory."   They process lots of information daily.  It is easy to put information in the problem is when we want to take the information out.

Dr. Roediger from the memory Lab at Washington University in St. Louis says, Music provides a rhythm, a rhyme and often, alliteration.  All that structure is what helps retrieve the information from the brain.

Patients with dementia are still able to sing along with a familiar song.  Think about the alphabet song, I still sing it in my mind when I am filing.

So if your child is having trouble memorizing the science or math formula check out the web..

Photosynthesis Equation Song - Biology Lesson

Math Rap - Area Formulas 

Of course there are many more so keep searching until you find the one that works for your child.