Saturday, October 19, 2013

From NYTimes The Brain Trainers

This summary from the article written by Dan Hurley published 11/3/2012.

I have not heard of them yet in San Diego but there are "brain training franchises".  Their goal is 'to improve cognitive skills'. This is a different than tutoring because their goal is " to enhance comprehension and the ability to analyze and mentally manipulate concepts, images, sounds and instructions".

The one error I saw right away was, "We measure every student pre- and post-training with a version of the Woodcock Johnson general intelligence test".   I was taught to administer this test every two years.  If students take it more regularly they can memorize some of the questions and the correct answer.  This leads to a imaginary cognitive gain.

The LearningRx fees are $80 to $90 per hour which is more than I am charging now.  I teach or tutor so the student learns the necessary material and how to succeed at taking a test on that material.

I do like the comparison of hiring a personal coach to improve a child's sports ability to hiring a academic coach to help with the child's success with school.  Sometimes, the word tutor, makes a student feel like they are unsuccessful but the word coach, implies the student is receiving a benefit to be the best that they can be.

I do feel they find success with their model because the more exercises you do to improve your mind will help.  They will help you perform faster and with more success.  The brain can improve but many of us don't take the time or the energy to help it along.

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