Thursday, September 11, 2014


Do you know what Minecraft is?  In the article, In Hit Games, Tech Giants See More Than Fun", by Nick Wingfield in the New York Times  dated Sept 11, 2014, Microsoft is trying to buy it for over $2 billion. I like this quote, 'Parents like Minecraft because it can be a creative outlet for their children.  Teachers like the game because it can bring lessons to life".

Minecraft was created in Sweden and is one of the top paid apps on the iPhone.  There have been almost 54 million copies sold.  Minecraft is a computer game where you build things with 'Lego' blocks. "Minecraft soaks up lots of time, as players can spend months building estates and entire countries,.."

Joel Levin a teachers liked it so much he uses as a teaching tool in his second grade technology class. He has set up a company to see 'custom-made versions of Minecraft to classrooms for educational purposes.

This game purpose is creation versus other games of destruction.  I have even signed up for a class on Minecraft so I can help students read.  I want them to build something based on a story that they write.  Of course it would involve writing a script.  The characters would have to be developed...

But again there is a trade off.  Is this technology really any better that many sets of legos in the basement where you and your child can build together?  Things to think about.

By the way, check out you tube and enter, "Minecraft" There are many videos to watch, I don't even know what are good ones.  But my students know.

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